

MINISOFT a pour mission de fournir des solutions d’impression Ă  façon.

Le produit phare, eFORMz, permet la mise en forme de tous types de documents et notamment la gestion des Ă©tiquettes double-faces trĂšs Ă©conomiques.


La puissance de la simplicité

Jooxter simplifie le quotidien des collaborateurs, tout en offrant un outil puissant de gestion automatisée de vos espaces, en temps réel.

Des espaces plus agiles

Vos façons de travailler sont multiples, Jooxter rend vos espaces agiles pour qu’ils s’adaptent Ă  votre activitĂ©, et non l’inverse.

Space Finder

Trouvez l’espace de travail disponible correspondant à votre besoin

Smart Occupancy

Augmentez la disponibilité des espaces et facilitez leur usage

Occupancy Analytics

Comprenez l’utilisation de votre environnement de travail

Smartbuilding – Building Integration

Connectez Jooxter Ă  vos outils internes et votre bĂątiment


UniSpool is the most powerfull output and print management solution with functions that go far beyond the standard solutions provided by your own operating systems. Organizations will gain enormous benefits from implementing one of the solutions in their ICT network. It provides value in two different ways. It provides cost reductions within the ICT organizations and improves document processing of the day to day business.


Reduce costs in operations

Statistics show that, in general, a high percentage of ICT spending is put into operating and maintaining an output and printing infrastructure. In many cases a lot of the costs are invisible, as they are being made in the ICT and the end-user environment and therefore don’t appear on the ICT and/or business management budget.

What is apparent are the immediate costs involved in deployment of the infrastructure, the day-to-day ICT operation and maintenance (staffing and incident management and resolution, for example). Less visible are the costs of missing documents, failures in delivery, delays and the fact that about 50% of the helpdesk calls are related to output and print problems.

For many corporations, UniSpool has become a key factor in reducing and controlling costs by:

  • Improving business efficiency
  • Improving reliability of document delivery
  • Increasing ease of deployment
  • Reducing maintenance